Public Projects

Bids Due in 20 days
4/16/25 2:00pm
2025 Pavement Resurfacing Project
Bids Due in 20 days
City of Suisun
City of Suisun City, CA
The work to be performed, in general, consists of supplying all labor, materials, tools, equipment, implements and methods of process to resurface the project street segments with asphalt rubber cape seal on Blossom Avenue and with fiberized micro surfacing on Sunset Avenue, including pavement surface preparation, crack sealing and digout repairs, 3” grind and overlay at specific locations on Sunset Avenue, AC crosswalk stampings on Sunset Avenue, a curb ramp replacement at the intersection of Sunset Avenue and New Railroad Avenue, raising manholes and valve covers to grade, and pavement striping.
Bids Due in 26 days
4/22/25 2:00pm
Citrus Heights Emergency Communications Center Remodel Project
Bids Due in 26 days
City of Citrus Heights
Citrus Heights, CA
The work to be performed consists, in general, demolition, flooring, cable installation, electrical, wall acoustic installation, texturing and paint.
Bids Due in 19 days
4/15/25 2:00pm
2022 Traffic Signal Improvements Project, CIP No. ET8279
Bids Due in 19 days
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The work shall include In general, the work shall include mobilization, public notification, traffic control; hot-mix asphalt (HMA) patches and base repairs; concrete improvements, including curb ramp replacements for ADA compliance, sidewalk and curb and gutter repairs; bike and pedestrian path reconstruction requiring removal of asphalt concrete pavement and underlying subgrade materials; etc.
Bids Due in 28 days
4/24/25 11:00am
2025 RAS/WAS System Improvement Project
Bids Due in 28 days
Rodeo Sanitary District
Rodeo, CA
The project work is generally described as: Replacement of the Return Activated Sludge / Waste Activated Sludge (RAS/WAS) pump station electrical control panel, temporary bypassing pumping operations, replacement of conduits and emergency stop stations for the RAS/WAS pumps, relocation of the RAS/WAS pump flow meter transmitters and additional conduits, relocation of RAS/WAS pump variable frequency drives, extension of the aluminum platform in the RAS/WAS pump station, conduit trenching and conductor and communications cable installations. Replacement of the sludge thickener control panel, replacement of the thickener building ceiling lighting, installation of polymer storage shade structure, shade structure concrete foundation, constructing new paved driveway and concrete apron, installation of polymer storage and containment system, polymer feed system, water and polymer piping, and automation and plant SCADA integration of the RAS/WAS and thickener systems.
Bids Due in 34 days
4/30/25 2:00pm
Pinole Library Building System Upgrades
Bids Due in 34 days
Contra Costa County
Contra Costa County, CA
The project includes one building with a total of 15,245 SF to demolish and replace several building systems. The existing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system will be demolished and replaced with a new all-electric HVAC system. The roofing system will include a full replacement of the built up roof and the metal standing seam roof. The electrical system will replace the existing electrical switchboard with a 1000A main switchboard, retrofit or new light fixtures with energy efficient light emitting diode (LED) bulbs, and power outlets on the main library floor for public use. In addition, the project accessibility improvements includes accessible parking re-location, path of travel improvements from the parking lot to the main entrance, public restroom upgrades as shown in the drawings entitled “Pinole Library Accessibility Upgrades, Pinole Library HVAC Replacement, Pinole Library Electrical Upgrade, and Pinole Library Roof Replacement.” Contractor shall be responsible for procurement of all equipment and materials.
Bids Due in 26 days
4/22/25 2:00pm
2025 Buchanan Street Repair Project No. C25-05
Bids Due in 26 days
City of Albany
Albany, CA
Project consists of pavement repair on City arterial Buchanan Street at the section located between Pierce Street and Jackson Street and the arterial Marin Avenue between Jackson Street and San Pablo Avenue. Pavement repair generally consists approximately 2,700 square yards of 4-inch asphalt concrete pavement removal and replacement. Traffic striping within project limits will be refreshed, including traffic striping unaffected by the pavement repair. Additional pavement repair at a nearby location on Eastshore Highway between the driveway entrance to the Target shopping center and the driveway entrance to the Toyota of Berkeley Service Center is included as optional Bid Alternate A.
Bids Due in 26 days
4/22/25 2:00pm
Lake Street Overlay & Recycled Waterline Between Grant Street & Silverado Trail, PJ No. 19-5536
Bids Due in 26 days
City of Calistoga
Calistoga, CA
General Description of Work: The work, in general, consists of improving Lake Street between Grant Street and Silverado Trail by reconstructing the pavement; installing an extension of the City’s recycled water line; replacing specific drainage, laterals, and sections of curb, gutter, & sidewalk; traffic striping; traffic control; water pollution control; and related items of work as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer.
Bids Due in 32 days
4/28/25 2:00pm
RFQ - East County Service Center (ECSC)
Bids Due in 32 days
Contra Costa County
Contra Costa County, CA
Located at Technology Way in Brentwood, the East County Service Center will be a three-story, approximate 120,077 GSF structure with surface parking. This will be the first regional service center of its kind for the County, co-locating ten different County Departments in one location. The project vision is, to provide a new integrated County service center for the residents of East County; that is convenient, innovative, accessible and an anchor to the community; by offering a full range of public services in a flexible, safe, and welcoming environment. The proposed new work shall comply with all applicable codes and guidelines, including the California Building Code, Title 24, Contra Costa County Building Design and Construction Guidelines. The DBE shall be responsible for all work required for the new County administrative building to obtain all required permits, operating approvals, and applicable certifications.
Bidding Closed
4/22/24 2:00pm
2025 North Napa Force Main Abandonment Project
Bidding Closed
Napa, CA
The general scope of work for this project included in the base bid is the abandonment in place of approximately 1,300 LF of 18-inch, 30-inch, and 36-inch sanitary sewer mains, and a 27-inch sanitary sewer force main by slurry fill abandonment. Also included in the scope of work is the abandonment of four sanitary sewer manholes.
Bids Due in 41 days
5/7/25 2:00pm
Rio Vista Corp Yard Project Phase 2 & Solano County DOIT Benicia Shelter
Bids Due in 41 days
Solano County Public Works Engineering
Solano County, CA